A community of holistic, naturally-minded individuals.


Community Driven

The Holistic Hive was born out of a need for community. Our events are designed with your family in mind. Every aspect of the Holistic Hive is designed to create a sense of belonging. We see the need for people to come together and share.  People of all walks of life are finding the benefits of a simpler, more natural lifestyle. We want to be the main resource for the community to help you and your family find others who want to live a clean, healthy life.

Natural Lifestyle

Natural Lifestyle Focused

The current way of life is hectic and disconnected. Continually living in a fast paced world and a lack of self care leads to an unhealthy and unnatural way of being. Members of the Holistic Hive seek to educate and provide services to the community, promoting a simpler way of lifeā€¦ A life that is full of rich experiences and meaning.


True Healthcare Centered

The current healthcare system is crisis driven and symptom focused. Often, it misses the benefits of unlocking true health and full expression of life. The Holistic Hive includes healthcare providers that see this void as an opportunity to serve our community at a higher level and with deeper purpose.


To help as many people as we can, especially children.


We are a strong, vibrant community of natural health and lifestyle providers, promoting true health and wellness through proper living.


Growing Health
Passion and Purpose
Natural, Clean Living